Effective music practice
is the key to success

practicing piano

As musicians we are always told that 'music practice is the key to success on any instrument'...but nobody ever tells us how to practice. We are told that 'Practice makes perfect'...but nobody ever tells us how! In fact, practice doesn't make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect! This site is about how to improve your practice techniques.

In 15 years of teaching music I have noticed it is the students who know how to practice effectively that make the most progress...and they are not necessarily the students who practice for the longest. They are the students who have an effective music practice technique. This site gives you the essential music practice techniques you need to progress more effectively and efficiently. It teaches you how to practice music, guiding you towards making faster progress in less time whether you are doing piano practice, violin, clarinet, flute, guitar... or any other musical instrument practice. The advice and techniques on this site apply to all instruments. By reading through and applying the advice you will have more efficient and effective practice

Why do some people seem to do less music practice than you?

If you ever wondered how some people seem to learn pieces and scales quicker than you, how they improvise and sight read effortlessly and still seem to do less work than you the answer is they know how to practice music

Many people talk about ‘talented’ musicians... but it is tenacity not talentthat wins the day. Browse the site now to find new and exciting techniques and tips on practicing music to help you start making more progress in less time!

“If I don’t practice the way I should,
then I won’t play the way I know I can”

Ivan Lendl - champion tennis player

The information on this website guides you towards achieving your musical goals efficiently, whether they are fame and fortune in the Classical or Pop world, becoming the next great film composer or being able to play for a local church or community group. This site helps you refine your goals and carry them through. You will find downloadable sheets and information on general music practice techniques as well as advice for practicing specific instruments.

Enjoy what you have read so far? Then subscribe to the Perfect Practice newsletter. This is a once a month newsletter with updates on what is new and popular on the site, additional articles on how to practice music more effectively and reviews of any equipment or software that may help you achieve your musical goals.

I guarantee I will not sell your email on or spam you. I personally hate it when I sign up for a newsletter and end up with a pushy email a day or suddenly find myself on lots of email lists so I will not inflict that upon you!

Taking my own advice

Recently I actually had to take much of the practice advice on the site and practice what I preach as I started learning the bass guitar! I was surprised at how much my practise technique differed from my time as a young learner and I do wish I had known some of these techniques then. I'm sure it would have help avoid quite a few arguments with my parents.

I am also taking a course in Cinematic Orchestration with Hollywood composer and orchestrator, Charles Fernandez, and as I worked through the examples it struck me that I have always said that composition improves with practice, but now I am actually seeing (and hearing) the proof!

And in amongst all this talk of technique please remember the most important thing when we play is to enjoy playing. If we aren’t enjoying playing, how can we expect others to enjoy listening to us?

Enjoy browsing the site and good luck with your practice and your playing. If there is anything practice related you think I could help you with please use the Contact form and let me know. I'll do my best to help!

Simon Horsey

I am currently working on a complete revamp of the site and some new material plus I am getting back to sending out the Perfect Practice newsletter again with helpful practice hints so if you aren't already subscribed sign up now.

Expert Practice Secrets

practice makes perfect by simon horsey

Frustrated with your practice? Read Practice Makes Perfect and hack the 10,000 hour rule. Cut your practice time by up to 25%! Make faster progress, learn pieces and scales faster, memorize more easily, and much more. "If you play an instrument you need this book!"

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